
New house, New studio, New tour.

So, as I sit here watching 'Ghostbusters' in my living room, typing this on my laptop, I think to myself, "mmm…a full torso apparition…and it's real!" - well, not really, but I love this movie (fyi, ghostbusters is my #1 favorite movie of all time). Just walked down to the corner store and got a monster and vitamin water.

I just moved into my new house. Still setting things up and getting situated. My room is pretty much setup...

…but things will change soon once I'm finished fixing the basement. Jane-Doll Studios (where the 1st and 2nd Rosetta records were recorded) is being moved to the new house once I've finished setting up the basement and soundproofing it. We probably won't be setup for another week or two, but I'm excited about being able to start from scratch and setup everything how I need it (pictures will follow once I start up).

It's a 2-story, 3-bedroom house on a very, very thin street, on a hill. So I can barely get my van down it (the big geen van that Rosetta tours in), and it's a lot of fun driving and walking up and down it. I do get my exercise from walking to and from parking.

My roommate is a friend and fellow-dork of mine who is odd in his own way.

Well, onto Rosetta stuff…

European tour is cancelled due to unforeseen problems that I won't go into. We're all very sad we don't get to go to Europe this summer, but plans are already in place for a back-up US tour, which I know a lot of people are excited about, especially the west coast peeps.

The new record comes out May 25th, but pre-orders are already out, and the record is already available for download from your favorite torrent site. None of the members of Rosetta abhor the downloading of music (mostly cause all of us do it for our favorite bands), but I would like to say that Mike Wohlberg of 'the Fat kid illustration did an amazing job on the artwork and it's definitely worth your money just for the packaging.

The list of shows (subject to change) for this summer. Some are already booked, some still need to be booked. Check the facebook page for updates and info on how to contact us to book shows.

05 M – Columbus, OH
06 T – Chicago
07 W – Minneapolis
08 R – Fargo
09 F – Sioux Falls
10 S – Nebraska
11 S – Denver
12 M – Salt Lake City
13 T – Missoula
14 W – Spokane
15 R – Seattle
16 F – Portland
17 S – Arcata
18 S – Santa Rosa
19 M – Bay Area
20 T – Bay Area
21 W – Central CA santa cruz/san luis obispo/ventura)
22 R – LA
23 F – San Diego
24 S – Tucson
25 S – Phoenix
26 M – Albuquerque
27 T – Amarillo
28 W – Austin
29 R – Dallas / OKC
30 F – Wichita
31 S – Kansas City

01 S – Columbia / STL
02 M – Louisville
03 T – Cincinnati
04 W – Pittsburgh

More updates soon along with pictures chronicling the construction of the new studio.