

...movie making me feel my life is empty w/o a girlfriend/significant-other. One of the big repetative themes in everything I see is, "your life is meaningless without love, or something like it." More and more lately I've been feeling like something's missing, like something BIG is missing. I love what I do, I love my friends, and I love my family, but I feel like I need more. I'm not talking about a material more, I'm talking about someone to share my life with, my stories. Right now I have this huge emotional spiderweb just wanting to be untangled by a long talk about how this movie made me feel. Emo s**t I know, but...sometimes you just need to spill.

The movie I saw tonight was Avatar. I (as far as I can remember) have never felt as involved emotionally in a movie as I did tonight with this one. It was a beautiful story, a beautiful movie, and the love I felt in this movie overwhelmed me to the point where I'm actually stopping every so often while writing this to close my eyes and remember what my heart and mind have captured from whatching it. Beauty.

I crave this more than anything.

Companionship. Someday.

Sleep now, I'll dream of Pandora tonight.


No Recording Session 4

So I wasn't actually at the mixing session weekend cause I got stuck working on stuff in Philly, but rest assured, I can only say that mixing is boring, and I probably wouldn't have used much (if any) footage from that session anyway. So, on to business. I'll post here, and other places asking for videos with good quality video and sound (originals, not rips from youtube) of us playing live. Since it'll be hard to get them over the internet.

If you actually have a high-quality video of Rosetta, message me on my Twitter, MySpace, or Facebook, and I'll message my mailing address back to you. The incentive for sending me live videos is I'll send you out a free copy of the DVD once it's finished (even if the video you sent doesn't make it on, I'll just be stoked that you sent something)


Rosetta in the studio: Session 3 (finally)

It took me uploading it 3 times to youtube before it worked correctly. First time cut off the beginning and the end, second time there was no sound, but finally the third is successful. So here we are with the third installment of the Rosetta recording clips.

And some pics for ya.

I also uploaded to Vimeo, but it's still converting as I'm writing this, so, I'll post that link later on my twitter.