
Livin' La'Vida LI

Writing this from Long Island, NY. On the beach too. My cousins' house is right on the beach. Not a normal beach house like you'd imagine, when it's just for coming and swimming, having a place to rest during the summer, and hangout on the beach. This is a fully dignified year-round live-in house. The other thing too, is that when I walked in, I thought the air conditioning was on. Turns out it's just a whole house fan, and the front windows are open taking in the breeze from the sound (the LI sound is the beach/ocean thing here). It's wonderful.

Tomorrow I'll have a ton of pictures for ya. The Warner family reunion/picnic is tomorrow too. Gonna be big fun. I haven't been to the reunion in a very long time (around 7 or 8 years), so I'll get to see a lot of people I haven't seen in a good while (save the wedding earlier this summer).

On a side note, I'm thinking of cutting my beard. Not just a trim, but a whole-face shave. I'm considering shaving it ALL off, but I'm thinking that might be a little extreme after having a beard of this magnitude for so long. I might go for a goatee or something...or if I'm gonna go full baby-face, I might consider shaving it to just a mustache or a fu-man-chu (spelling?) for a couple pictures, then shaving it off completely.

Whatever I decide, I'll have pictures to post afterward. I won't cut my top hair, cause I want that to get as long as possible. I'll either grow that long and simply be awesome, or...I'll donate it to locks of love, that would be fun too.

...So, wrapping thing sup here cause I need to go to bed so I can wander the streets of Riverhead, Long Island all day with my dad greeting and hugging cousins and relatives I haven't seen in almost a decade.


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