
Random lyrics, stories, limerics, whatever

I was randomly searching through my HD today looking for old projects that I could either play with, or just delete and I found some random folder labeled 'scripts'. Here are two short...whatevers that I found in two different files. I think they're quite neat. Feel free to borrow and re-post these to stuff if you actually like them, but please give credit where credit is due, I'm extremely proud of these short (and rare) bursts of awesomeness.

Disclaimer: These both were written a good 7-12 years ago, and I haven't edited them at all from how I found them.

Oh woe to my ill begotten fate, truly I have wrought my own demise these nights.
Starvation of the soul is but a small price to pay, however,
for the rewards given to thee by teachers so unknowingly evil.
Must we strive and sruggle for these swine of men?
Must we truly twist in their sinister grasps?

This one was neat to find, cause it actually had a date on it. Go me.

Doth love fall upon the grace of the angels.
What scene shows us for our humanity but love?
Can this feeling be faked, can this emotion be taught,
can our fellow man understand what it is to be in pain,
can our fellow man understand what it is to be in love?
This world is not what we think,
but what we think is not what this world is,
our savior, our passion is not what we see it as,
but as a child, we see passion as a mystery,
and as adult, we see passion as a game,
this game is not a test of skill,
but a test of love,
to know love, is to win the game,
to win the game, is to be free.
Be free.

- Bruce McMurtrie -
Wednesday, December 22nd, 2004

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