
Let the blog continue...

I've been absent for a good while. I lost interest in posting mostly because blogger changed their code and ruined my entire interface. I've changed to something a little more generic, though, I might move everything over to tumblr eventually...maybe...

Rosetta 2012 summer tour is about to begin. We leave in a week for Europe, and hopefully I'll keep up with posting this time. I have a new phone (an iPhone 4s), and although I won't be able to use the actual phone operations, but I'll be taking a lot of pictures and videos that I'll be posting when we get a chance to connect to the internet.

As a teaser, I made a video promoting both our Europe and Australia tours this summer. Check it out

To be continued starting the 26th.


games said...

why dont you come to brazil? i'd be the first buying the tickets.

games said...
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HeavyHairyFaery said...

You're playing in Europe, close to my country, but not in France this time... I hope this will happen again. Enjoy your tour anyway ;')