
Essen, Copenhagen, & Berlin.

Breakfast at a kebab shop leaving Dresden. Today is an errand day. The SVT 3 bass amp had been overheating and cutting out, so we took a trip to GateToHell to switch it out. I also found out for the first time that they have fans. So, next euro tour, I'm getting s fan, so none of this BS of finding out the venue is a sweat box with no ventilation, and not a fan in sight. We also made a visit to King's Road, which is the company that presses our merch in Europe. 

We got to the venue, and it was a nice smaller place. The stage was on the left as you entered the building, and the bar was encased in an old car. 

Upstairs was the backstage and where we are sleeping tonight. A lovely lady brought us custom homemade vegan cupcakes. The recipe she now calls 'Rosetta'. 
They were freaking delicious. 
We get to sleep tonight only for a couple hours, then we're up at 4am, and on a feet to Copenhagen. 
Alarms were blaring at 4am this morning. Some shot up and started getting ready immedietly, others simply rolled over and attempted to go back to sleep. By the time Persil came in the room, everyone tatted to look busy. 

Once in the van, it was complete silence, and lots of uncomfortable sleeping people. We were headed to the ferry to Denmark, and from there to Copenhagen. 

The ferry was a nice change from sitting falling asleep in the van. Instead, we sat and fell asleep in the lounge rocking with he waves. I didn't get out to take any pictures of the water, because I didn't want to move from the comfy couch in the lounge, so you'll have to use your imagination. 
The whole day I was just in a daze. Not quite awake, not quite asleep, just...zombefied. 

The venue was in the middle of an old military industrial complex. When the military moved out, the punks moved in, and now have autonomy. They buy and sell weed, but all harder drugs are still illegal. I was also told not to take pictures of the drug selling/buying. 

The venue itself was pretty nice, and we loaded in via a small elevator lifted by a chain. Once the drums were setup, I was stoked at the use of Rode condensers for overheads. 
Once again, though, bummed on having to gear share with the opening bands. I'm not a very selfish or stingy dude, but if you're the local dudes...maybe avoid looking like a doink and bring your own gear. The rack tom head is almost completely beat to s**t from multiple drummers slamming on it every night. I found out our rider even says in large bold lettering, "NO GEAR SHARING", we just have to actually enforce it and say 'no' which I'm gonna try to do for these last 5 shows. 

Only 5 more shows to go. Crazy how time moves in relation to how the good times roll. 

The apartment we stayed at last night I was immedietly excited about. It was a little small, and we all slept in just one room, but our host was there watching family guy, and this is what greeted us when we walked in the door. 
So today, off early to catch and ferry, then on to Berlin. 
I ended up being half conscious for the ferry ride today, so I took this beauty. 
Along with a great shot of Eric getting some z's. 
When we arrived, the venue didn't look like much, and I was semi bummed out. The building was kind of run down and crumbling, and was (like most places on this tour) incredibly hot with little or no ventilation. Luckily, the dudes that worked there were able to find a fan to put on stage next to me, and it saved my life. Air movement is sooooo important, especially when you're performing extremely rigorous physical activity for an hour. They said the fan is normally used to cool the projector that was used in their movie theatre. 
(The big screen out in the courtyard which was their "movie theatre" was pretty cool)

The show itself was a lot of fun. It was nice having a good stage, good sound, and a good crowd after s couple days of just okay shows. 

We're sleeping in a friends apartment, with then absent though, so there's lots of room. Took a shower, and we're ready for bed. We got a breakfast buyout we'll go and use tomorrow on our way to Wiesbaden. 

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