So as I twittered while I was there, two things I came to the conclusion about.
One was the fact that I could never get married, and not cause I'm incapable of love, but because marriage is a very religious experience and past-time, and I am, for the most part, athiest. Now, I guess I'm not really, truly athiest in the 'I don't believe in anything' way. I do believe in a being or force (yes...I said force, I hold by some of the
ideas that spawned due to George Lucas) that surrounds us and watches over us, or even, that created us. However, I think that organized religion, and the obsession with the bible, and the 'good word' and this crazy
Jesus character is just ridiculousness. All (well, most) the fighting that has been done in the name of religion has been not over the fact that there is 'A' god, but what he is called, and how he has passed down his laws, rules, and way of life, etc.
I'm not gonna go on a religious rant, because frankly, they bore me, and it makes my head hurt continuing writing in that fashion, so, onward!
Two: I wrote "At the weddings conclusion, one thing remains in my desperately I want a girlfriend at this moment"
Then posted this pic...which probably didn't help:
For a while I thought I could live happily w/o involving a significant other in the train wreck I call my life, but I had doubts, and I thought I'd like more, but either doubted I'd find someone, or just said that I'd be miserable, or make them miserable.
However, this wedding seems to have sparked something hiding inside me. I want a girlfriend, I want it to be serious, and I want to get married, have kids, and live that life of happiness with someone. All super sappy and ridiculous I know, but hey...sometime I can be a romantic too, or just a creepy obsessed guy. Either way you look at it, I'm just rambling at this point. I'm listening to
'Hyperballad' by Björk and feeling even more...well, I dunno what, but this song's awesome and I need food.
Lemme sum up the happiness I witnessed last night with one word:
Edit: I also found out that John (the dude my cousin married) is from Australia, and I got to chat with him and a bunch of his friends that came with him to the US for the wedding about Australia, about
our tour there and what-not. Extremely fun. I also heard that they may move there and live there instead of in the US, which would be fun, cause then It would give me more incentive to move down under myself, seeing as how I'll have more people to be in contact with. Aussie' out, I may be back sooner than you think!