

The creation of teh int4rw3bs has brought about some unusual spelling, abbreviations, and words. blog, vlog, weblog, etc. whatever. I've been interested in these things for a while, but never really....cared. I'm now getting really into this twitter thing, along with breaking down and posting videos to youtube, as well as, writing this journal thingy. I've seen a lot of people have vlogs now too though (video logs for those not in the 'know'). I thought at first, "why would I need a vlog, cause I don't really have anything interesting to say, teach, or do." but then as I started watching some peoples video logs (cause I honestly think the word 'vlog' is really really stupid), they don't have anything interesting to say, teach, or do for the most part anyway.

I guess I could talk about current things in my life, like Rosetta updates, tour stuff, my recording studio, or film stuff I'm working on. Who knows, maybe I'll just sit there and stare at a camera listening to music for five minutes, that'd be fun right? Maybe tutorials on how to edit in Pro Tools, or Samplitude? or...just scrap the idea all together, and just stick to writing here.

So, I put up new (well, old, but new to you I would guess) videos on youtube and hope to have some new songs (from solo projects) up soon. So far I just have two songs up on my studios' (Jane-Doll Studios) website here. I could get really unoriginal and just record myself practicing drums, or playing drums to stupid songs. I'll figure something out.

In the meantime, check out this site and enjoy a happy zombie jesus day

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