
X-Men Origins: Wolverine Review

So...I originally was gonna do a review of the wolverine movie friday night, but it was late, i had work in the morning, and I've been in NY for shows all weekend, but I think that the delay in reviewing is actually for the better. We stayed with a very awesome good friend of ours in NY Sunday and he showed me his roommates video he made called 'Wolverine [in 30 seconds]' and it...is...incredible. I s**t you not. I couldn't stop laughing after seeing this. Now granted, if you're here looking for a real review, I'm sorry, but the time has lapsed for me to write a real review...

...fine...I'll say I liked it, but it was kinda cheesy and didn't satisfy the wolverine fanboy in me...but I was entertained, so I guess Hollywood did their job to some extent.

But with out further ado. Here is Wolverine [in 30 seconds]

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