
Budapest & Serbia

Breakfast in Trnava. This picture was taken before the food came out. It was quite a fine feast. 
We took a break at the Danube, and soaked in the sights. 
Then, on to Budapest. 
A typical 'there's wifi' situation. 

We had enough time that we were able to actually have a 'practice' and taught Joel and Eric how to play red in tooth and claw. 

By the time we were done dinner, the show was about to start. The first band was a 'Buddhist metal band' with throat singing, prayer beads and all. They were really entrancing and doomy. 

The crowd was crazy and fun, and at one point even picked up Armine and crowd surfed him around the room. We were happy we solidified red in tooth and claw, cause I think if we didn't play an extra song, people would have freaked out. 
Slept well, good breakfast, off to Serbia, Belgrade today. 
Prior to the Serbian border, we stopped to use the bathrooms and found a great abandoned car in the parking lot. 
After which, we accidentally went through the wrong like at the Serbian border, got yelled at by an a**hole border guard, who did not actually explain what we did wrong or how to fix it, and then proceeded to u-turn, and then we sat in line in the opposite direction for what felt like forever. 
When we finally made it through the border check, we were already pretty un-stoked about everything. Matt made an observation that driving through Serbia looks  a lot like driving through Nebraska.
Arrived UK Belgrade. It's kind of a weird city, at least from the area we went through. The venue, though, is really nice, and has an upstairs 'backstage' area. We're currently waiting for food, and the wifi password.
We had sandwiches, and then setup and sound checked.
The stage is super small, but we always manage. Apparently we're staying in a pretty nice hotel tonight. 


Unknown said...

The life of a Rockstar ain't easy, waiting for food & wifi paswords then go on to next stop. Great €-tour though.

Unknown said...

The life of a Rockstar ain't easy, waiting for food & wifi paswords then go on to next stop. Great €-tour though.