
WTF SciFi Channel?

Apparently the famed SciFi channel has realized that they don't actually like their 'geeks and space aliens' crowd that frequents the channel. They're going to be changing the stations name from 'SciFi' which is short for 'Science Fiction' they thought it'd be 'cooler' to rename the channel to 'Syfy'...which sounds stupid. Unfortunately I've heard that some people that are not in the know (idiots) pronounce the name of the channel 'Skiffi' and that was probably one of the reasons for the change, a rather idiot reason, but a reason none-the-less. Anyway, I don't actually watch television anymore, so I could care less. Any of my viewing takes place online, or if I do end up watching any programming, it's at a friends house, or one of the many movie channels.

Long story short, the name change is stupid, mostly because the main reason is to widen their appeal to the 'cooler' people as apposed to their more dedicated 'geek and space alien' crowd. Don't come crying back to your real fans when no one cares that you Americanized the word along the lines of "Dunkin' Donuts".

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