dude threatened me with what I think was bitchslap in a language I
didn't understand. He mimed the slap.
Armine got stopped at the airport security in Prague cause he had a
picket knife in his bag that even he didn't know about. Funny, cause
the US and Frankfurt airport security didn't catch that. Way to go.
Suck it got confiscated though. On our way to Athens to play one show
though. How awesome is that?! Gonna take a s**t load of pictures. I
still have pictures I need to upload from my regular camera next time
I can get reliable wifi on my laptop.
SkyEurope to Athens is making us pay €2.50 for a bottle of water...I hope
there are cups for sink water in the bathroom, causeu throat is
staring to get really dry...
...no cups in the bathroom. The real bummer is, I was just gonna cup
the water into my mouth, but accidently hit the stewardess call
button, and had that uncomfortable situation where I had to explain I
hit the wrong button not knowing if she spoke English. Good times.
Beautiful flying into Athens.
Stuck In rushhour traffic on the highway in Athens on the way to the
venue. Only with rosetta.
Motorbikes everywhere, it's kinda crazy. I mean everywhere. There is 1
motorbike for every 6 cars.
Baggage checkers wrecked matts pedal board again. Gotta love airport
security. Musical instruments = bomb?
On the bright side, the promoter for the show got matt his head that
he needs to actually play the show. The house kit for the club is a
piece of crap, and the cymbals on it when we arrived had chunks
missing from them, luckily I've been informed we're getting actual
playable cymbals for the show.
Got cymbals. They're okay. I've already told myself that this show is
awesome by the simple fact that we were flown in on the promoters dime
(or relevant currency) and we're in Athens, Greece. Yikes! We walked
up to see the acropolis. Long @$$ walk, I had to rest a bit once near
the top, but my gosh was it beautiful. I'll have pictures up asap.
Now, show time. No matter what the turnout, or money made, this was an
amazing show. We fly back to Prague tonight right after the show, thn
into Brno, Czech tomorrow.
Side Note: almost every woman I see is freaking gorgeous, and it makes
me sad, cause I know that even the alour of tour or anything can break
the strong language barrier between us...that, and I smell aweful.
Every show so far i've been overjoyed just to be apart of this journey,
and I'm grateful for what the music I play has brought me, and where
it has as well, but, at least once every show, I see a couple being a
couple, or just plain makin' out in the corner, and I get envious. I
guess that's a bit selfish since I've been granted with the gift to
not only bring music I enjoy playing to the world, but to travel it as
well, but it'd be nice to have someone close to share my stories with
and have a little more intimacy than just a close friend or bandmate.
Anyway...back to the fun.
Show, once again, was incredible. Ton of people, they were into it,
rawkin' out, and except for one of the cymbals being broken, the snare
shifting constantly, and the kick pedal fell off the kick drum
twice...I'm in Athens, Greece, and nothing can ruin my good time.
There's a problem with being paid though. Apparently, the people that
put on the show didn't get enough people out, and can't make our
guarantee. Usually in the US, if we were pampered this much, and this
happened, we wouldn't feel comfortable taking their money, and we'd
just take a little hit in the pocket. Blindead wants that money, and
now they're arguing. /sigh
We'll see what happens, but honestly, I'd rather just forget about it,
and talk about the next show when we get to it. I'm hungry.
Wandered around for food for a bit, found an awesome place, had some
crazy good pizza. Waiting out in front of the venue waiting to head to
the airport.
So...on the way to the airport, we see the promoters car (filled with
almost all of blindead, pulled over in the side of the road
surrounded by 6 police cars. I still don't known exactly why they got
pulled over, but they said they pulled them from the car one by one
and searched them, and there was a guy on the hill watching them with
a pistol pointed at them. Way to be intense late at night Athens. They
probably thought they were the 'anarchists' from the riots.
One of the greek drivers said that the anarchists throw bombs at police
where they know they'll gather. Crazy.
So...tired. Redeye flight to Budapest connecting to Prague. I'm about
to pass out on the airport floor. I really hope I get to sleep once
back in Prague.
The flight to Prague was actually super short (I think because I fell
asleep) and they gave us cinnamon rolls and orange juice. Still kinda
tired though. Gonna try and get in a shower and then we're off to
Brno, Czech.
Got wifi at the hostel in Prague, so, updating stuff now.
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